Personality Testing
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CritiCall Personality Testing for Dispatchers
The CritiCall Personality Test is based on the U. S. Department of Labor’s principle of using a whole-person approach to making selection decisions.
Using a single test or procedure will provide you with a limited view of a person’s employment qualifications… On the other hand, using a variety of assessment tools enables you to get a more complete picture of the individual.–U.S. Dept of Labor. “Testing and Assessment: An Employer’s Guide to Good Practices
CritiCall is offering a time-tested pre-employment personality test designed to gauge a dispatcher or calltaker job applicant’s fit before you hire them. The CritiCall Personality test helps employers improve their bottom-line results by examining job applicants’ fundamental personality traits, such as conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability, and so on.
The personality test is administered online (via the internet) and is simple to administer and use. Highlights include:
- Suitability report is emailed to agency upon completion of each test
- Suitability report makes a “no,” “moderate,” or “high” fit recommendation
- Pay-per-test structure
- Criterion-related validity evidence of job success
- No adverse impact against any group anticipated