Customizable Training
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TactiCall Dispatcher Training Software
Customizable dispatcher speech and protocols training program!
TactiCall training software for dispatchers and call-takers is a 100% self-guided, customizable, TRAINING program that focuses on two very important job domains that are critical to maintaining public safety — speech and protocols:
- Maintaining Voice Clarity
- Using Proper Volume
- Speaking at a Proper Pace
- Selection of Appropriate Words
- Following Your Agency’s Step-Wise Processes
- Responding to Verbal Cues
- Consistency in Application Instructions
Feature Highlights
- Self-Administering – Requires no supervisor oversight
- Self-Scoring – Built-in voice recognition software listens for scored key words
- Customizable – Create any number of realistic training call scenarios
- Life-Like – Dispatchers hear callers and must respond appropriately
Additional TactiCall Dispatcher Training Resources
- TactiCall Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- For a TactiCall demo or price quote, contact Sean Conant at (800) 999-0438 or complete the online contact form.