Use CritiCall Instead of P.O.S.T.
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Can Agencies Use CritiCall Instead of the POST Dispatch Battery?
California Agencies, Know Your Options…
You can use CritiCall Testing Software instead of California P.O.S.T. Entry-Level Dispatcher Selection Test Battery!
POST regulations state that “public safety dispatcher applicants must be assessed for verbal, reasoning, memory, and perceptual abilities. These abilities must be evaluated prior to hire to assure the presence of ability levels commensurate with the performance of dispatcher duties, as measured by the POST Entry-Level Dispatcher Selection Test Battery (written exam) or alternative job-related tests of these abilities.”
Why should I consider using CritiCall for my agency?
Many agencies report that people who are hired after being tested using CritiCall are less likely to turnover and take less time to train. This has led to cost savings since the best applicant is chosen the very first time.
CritiCall tests all of the POST-mandated requirements, plus more!
CritiCall is specially designed to measure the skills and abilities needed for today’s complex, computerized dispatch environment. The test is self-administering and virtually self-scoring using a standard personal computer (or from a network, if you prefer). You can save money and save time by using CritiCall.