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Research Shows that CritiCall is a Strong Predictor of Emergency Dispatcher/Calltaker Job Success
Admin : Jul 9, 2024 1:14:37 PM

A criterion validation study with the Florida Highway State Patrol shows a very strong relationship between scores on the CritiCall Pre-employment tests and job performance in an emergency 911 dispatch environment.
[view the press release]
Biddle Consulting Group recently conducted a study that demonstrated CritiCall test scores are a strong predictor of job performance as determined through supervisor ratings of more than sixty State Highway Patrol Dispatchers/Calltakers. This validation study was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the federal government’s Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures for criterion-related studies (see www.uniformguidelines.com). The uncorrected correlation coefficient (also known as a validity coefficient) between overall test scores and job performance ratings was 0.41, and the correlation coefficient statistically-adjusted for the unreliability of the criteria was 0.44. The United States Department of Labor (DOL) classifies these levels of correlation as being very beneficial (which is its highest rating description described by the DOL for this type of relationship). Furthermore, the reliability of the combination of test modules from the CritiCall test used during the analysis was also an extremely strong 0.92 (out of a possible 1.00), which the United States Department of Labor indicates can be interpreted as being excellent (again, the highest rating-level described by the DOL).
A statistical-expectancy analysis determined that if the assumption is made that 60% of test takers would succeed on the job as dispatchers/calltakers if no testing was performed, using CritiCall overall test scores would increase the prediction of success from 37% for those test takers who scored the lowest on the test to 75% for those who scored highest on the CritiCall test. Based on these studies it was determined that overall scores from CritiCall Pre-Employment Testing Software are very likely to strongly predict job performance of job candidates.
About the CritiCall Dispatcher/Calltaker Software:
The CritiCall Pre-Employment Dispatcher Testing Software includes a series of work-sample tests designed to measure a dispatcher job applicant’s ability to successfully perform many of the work functions they would be required to perform on the job (measuring abilities required prior to their receiving any training or experience on the job) as an emergency dispatcher or emergency calltaker.
The CritiCall dispatcher skills tests include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Multi-Tasking
- Decision Making
- Map Reading
- Spelling
- Reading Comprehension
- Prioritization
- Proofreading
For more information about the CritiCall Dispatcher Skills Testing Software, visit http://www.CritiCall911.com.