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We receive a lot of great feedback from agencies who use CritiCall. It’s not everyday, though, that we hear from a job applicant about our pre-employment testing. Today we received this wonderful email from a dispatcher applicant who took the CritiCall exam. We’ve removed the e-mail address, agency, and name for confidentiality.
From: **********
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 6:50 AM
To: Info@CritiCall911.com
Subject: Thank you
To whom it may concern,I just participated in a testing session with the ****** Police for a position as a Dispatcher. I have 6 1/2 years experience in this field. I have been actively looking for a new job in this same field. In the process, I have taken numerous different tests. For the first time I tested with the Criticall software system. I have never been impressed with testing….until yesterday! I believe that you have hit the nail on the head with this testing system. It covered ALL of the areas that are necessary for a successful Dispatcher. I was thrilled to see a spelling section (one of my pet peeves). Thank you for providing a program that should be used by ALL agencies in their hiring process for Dispatchers.
I normally don’t take the time to write to a company, but felt this time it was warranted. My husband told me I should be a representative for your company since I came home so excited about the program. I wish you success and hope to see this type of testing at the remainder of the positions I apply for.
H**** P****
Thank you, HP! We truly appreciate your taking time to share your feedback with us.
We wish you all the best in your career!