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User’s Group Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am a member of an agency that is eligible for CritiCall Elite services and my login and/or password is not working, or I do not have a current login and/or password. What should I do?

A: All logins and passwords are case sensitive (lower and UPPER case). If you are certain you have entered your login and password correctly, contact the person in your agency who is in charge of CritiCall. They alone can make certain that you are listed as authorized to access the User Group web pages. They can also confirm, or change, your login and/or password.

Q: How do I obtain a Master Username and Authorization Code to access the Administrator features in the User’s Group web pages if I am the key contact for an agency that uses CritiCall?

A: Only members of agencies that are currently eligible for CritiCall Elite services can access the User’s Group web pages. If you are the person in charge of CritiCall for an agency that is currently eligible for CritiCall Elite services, but does not know your agency’s Master Username or Authorization code, please call 800-999-0438. We will send this information via U.S. Mail to the person who is listed as the primary CritiCall contact for your agency.

Q: How many members of my organization can I list to access the CritiCall User’s Group web pages?

A: Up to 10 members of your agency are allowed access the CritiCall User’s Group web pages. For security purposes, every member of your organization who you would like to allow access to the protected web pages should have their own unique login and password. In other words, you should NOT allow members to share a login or password. The automated registration program from the User’s Group Administrator section allows agencies to issue up to 10 unique login/passwords for their members to access the CritiCall User Group’s web pages. Please contact us if you wish to add more than ten authorized users.

Q: Would it be okay for me to allow a friend of mine in another agency to use by password, or to issue that person a password, to view the User’s Group web pages?

A: Only authorized persons from a licensed organization that is currently covered under the CritiCall Elite program are granted permission to access to the User’s Group web pages. Addition of, or allowing, unauthorized persons (i.e., those who are not directly associated with the organization that is licensed to use CritiCall and/or whose CritiCall Elite status has expired) will result in suspension of your entire organization’s privilege to access the User Group’s web pages without refund. Members of unlicensed organizations or expired CritiCall Elite members who wish to view the User Group’s web pages must contact CritiCall at 800-999-0438 in advance to obtain written permission to access the User’s Groups web pages.

Q: How do we add, delete, or modify access to the User Group section of the web site by members of our organization?

A: Individual members of an organization can be added, deleted, or modified only by the person who is in charge of CritiCall for that agency. Clicking here will take you to the Administrator’s section of the web pages. We strongly recommend that you remove the access rights of persons who are no longer authorized to view the information on the User’s Group web pages as soon as possible.

Q: How do we change our Master Username and/or Authorization Code? (For example, in the event the primary CritiCall contact person leaves the agency or if the Mater Username/Authorization Code is somehow compromised.)

A: We can change your agency’s Master Username and/or Authorization Code, if you wish. To do so, please call 800-999-0438. We will send the updated Username and Authorization Code to the person who is listed as the primary CritiCall contact for your agency. Typically, this information will be sent via U.S. Mail within two business days of our receipt of the request.

Terms used in the CritiCall User’s Group website

Master Username: This is the username by which an authorized telecommunication organization is identified. One master username is provided to each CritiCall client organization. Only the key CritiCall representative in an organization should use the Master Username to access the Administrator section of the User’s Group web pages.

Authorization Code: The Master Authorization Code allows the key CritiCall representative in an organization to add, delete, or change the usernames and/or passwords of individual members of your organization, or modify organization information. This Master Authorization Code should be held strictly confidential and only the key CritiCall representative in an organization should use it. One Authorization Code is provided to each CritiCall client organization and the Authorization Code is case sensitive (lower and UPPER case).

Login: Each person that accesses the protected portion of the web site should have his or her own login. All logins are case sensitive (lower and UPPER case).

Password: Each person that accesses the protected portion of the web site should have a password that is specific to their unique username. All passwords are case sensitive (lower and UPPER case).