Public Safety Dispatcher Testing & Training News – CritiCall TestGenius

Personnel Testing in the Public Safety Industry: A Practitioner’s Guide for Developing Balanced and Defensible Assessments

Written by Admin | Jul 9, 2024 8:14:40 PM


Personnel Testing in the Public Safety Industry: A Practitioner’s Guide for Developing Balanced and Defensible Assessments 
by Dan A. Biddle, Ph.D. and Stacy L. Bell-Pilchard, M.S. (ISBN10: 0-7414-9686-0; ISBN13: 978-0-7414-9686-7)

  • Basic points of civil rights: Title VII of the 1991 Civil Rights Act, adverse impact, and significance
  • Validation and benefits of developing a valid and effective hiring program
  • Process and benefits of creating written tests using content and criterion-related validity
  • Importance of using structured interviews and how to develop, validate, and analyze them
  • Steps for developing and validating physical ability tests (PATs), setting cutoff scores, and the importance of testing both candidates and incumbents
  • Key competencies that should be measured in firefighter and police officer recruitments
  • Useful checklists for evaluating the validity of pre-employment and promotional selection assessments
  • Overview of a recent case of public safety testing bringing to light the fine lines between testing, diversity, adverse impact, and equal protection